The NBK website may become temporarily unavailable from 9:00 on April 27 to 23:00 on April 28 due to maintenance operations on server equipment



Working days, from 09:00 to 18:30

Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: п. 11 Пункт: п.п. 2 -
Type of Enactments
1. Rules of organization of exchange operations with cash foreign currency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 4, 2019 No. 49
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Шымкентский филиал (Шымкент)
"Bank RBK" Bank" JSC (renamed from "Kazakhstan Innovational Сommercial Bank", JSC)
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
1. Представление агентом валютного контроля неполного и (или) недостоверного отчета по уведомлению о проведенных валютных операциях, предусмотренного нормативным правовым актом Национального Банка Республики Казахстан
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 3 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Bank RBK" Bank" JSC (renamed from "Kazakhstan Innovational Сommercial Bank", JSC)
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
1. Submission of unreliable or incomplete reporting by the authorized banks for the purposes of monitoring sources of supply and demand, as well as directions for the use of foreign currency in the domestic foreign exchange market shall
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 218 Пункт: 3 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Bank RBK" Bank" JSC (renamed from "Kazakhstan Innovational Сommercial Bank", JSC)
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
1. The action provided by a part three of this Article committed repeatedly second time second time within a year after imposition of administrative sanction, shall
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 4 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Bank RBK" Bank" JSC (renamed from "Kazakhstan Innovational Сommercial Bank", JSC)
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
1. Представление уполномоченным банком или профессиональным участником рынка ценных бумаг, осуществляющим валютные операции по поручениям клиентов, неполного и (или) недостоверного отчета для целей мониторинга источников спроса и предложения на внутреннем валютном рынке Республики Казахстан, предусмотренного нормативным правовым актом Национального Банка Республики Казахстан
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 218 Пункт: 3 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Bank Freedom Finance Kazakhstan" JSC
Second tier banks
№240000800000144, 240000800000145
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
110 760 tenge
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 4 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Almaty", JSC
Second tier banks
№ 240000800000123, № 240000800000124, № 240000800000125, № 240000800000126, № 240000800000127, № 240000800000128, № 240000800000129, № 240000800000130 и №240000800000149
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
1. Submission to currency control agents of an incomplete and (or) unreliable report on notification of conducted currency transactions provided for by a regulatory legal act of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, committed repeatedly within a year after the imposition of an administrative penalty
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 4 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
"Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Almaty", JSC
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
1. Submission by the currency control agent of an incomplete and (or) unreliable report on notification of conducted currency transactions provided for by the regulatory legal act of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 3 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
Authorized organization
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Fine imposed under administrative law
Punishment awarded:
387 660 tenge
The nature of a breach:
2. Non-fulfillment by the subjects of financial monitoring of the training and education program in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, approved by the rules of internal control
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:

2. Статья: 214 Пункт: 7 -
Type of Enactments
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Павлодарский филиал (Павлодар)
JSC «Home Credit Bank» (renamed from «Home Credit and Finance Bank» Subsidiary Bank Joint Stock Company)
Second tier banks
Sanctions and other administrative penalties
Punishment awarded:
The nature of a breach:
Статья/пункты НПА, Статья КоАП:
1. Статья: 217 Пункт: 3 -
Type of Enactments
1. Concerning observance of requirements of the foreign exchange legislation
Name of Regional Branch of National Bank of Kazakhstan / Department:
Постоянное представительство Национального Банка Республики Казахстан в городе Алматы
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