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Monetary and Banking Statistics

Monetary Statistics is the main part of Financial Statistics. It covers stock and flow data on financial assets and liabilities of financial institutions with respect to other resident sectors and nonresidents.

The methodology of monetary statistics follows concepts and definitions contained in the Manual on monetary and financial statistics, IMF, 2000 (MFSM), which, in turn, are consistent with the concepts and principles of the System of National Accounts with respect to sectorization and the classification of financial assets. Advisory nature of MFSM allows to take into account national interests/features of member countries of the IMF.

Monetary statistics provides a statistical base for analysis of the relationship between the financial sector and other institutional sectors, including through analysis of broad money  aggregates, credit aggregates, measures to ensure liquidity.

Balance sheet of financial institutions, reporting of external managers and statistical reporting forms (for insurance companies and  accumulative pension funds) are the basis for the monetary surveys compilation and forming data on international reserves, assets of the National Fund, monetary aggregates and other analytical indicators of monetary statistics.

Monetary surveys show claims and liabilities of financial institutions (National Bank, commercial banks, other financial institutions) with respect to other domestic sectors of economy and to nonresidents.

Summary reports on deposits, loans, indicators of foreign exchange market are formed as a result of collection and processing data submitted by commercial banks in the statistical reporting forms "SB".

Information in the deposit and loan markets includes the volume of deposits attracted by commercial banks from nonbank legal entities and individuals, and loans provided by commercial banks to nonbank legal entities and individuals, as well as interest rates for them. Nonbank legal entities do not include the state bodies and financial institutions, individuals include both households and individual entrepreneurs.

Subsection “Foreign exchange market” in part of purchases/sales of cash foreign currency as well as in regard of results of trade on KASE, reflects the situation on domestic foreign exchange market. Data which NBK receives from KASE are the primary source for compiling of summary indicators for these tables.

Under publishing statistical data on the website of the NBK, information about units, coverage, the reporting period is presented in each table. The recording  “of the end of period” or “on 01.01....” means stock data for the end of the reporting period. The record “for the period” shows the flow of data within the period specified in the table (Month/Year).

In accordance to IMF recommendations, the amendment of data related to the reclassification of assets, as well as to the change of methodology, data clarification, identification of discrepancies under checking the same indicators, obtained from other sources, should be published.

In this regard, during the reporting period or in future reporting periods, previously published indicators of the monetary and banking statistics can be amended. In addition, on an annual basis, data for December of the reporting year subsequently updated taking into account final turnovers.

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